
Postmodernism & Core Practices

Postmodernism & Core Practices

Postmodernism is loosely defined as an era marked by skepticism, irony and mistrust of convention and norms. A "reimagining" of anything related to philosophy, politics, economics, morality, societal norms, etc. It’s widely viewed as a reaction to modernism, which were philosophies and ideologies that have existed since the 18th Century’s Age of Enlightenment. 

The reality of postmodernism is that in the quest for better, we end up avoiding what has done us good along the way. Great becomes the enemy of the good. While some will argue that if we can't have greatness, then why try? Or if you're Gen Z, why have any limitations at all to try.

This process of reinvention and innovation isn’t all gravy. The loss of process and routine is all too common. More importantly, inconsistency is the culprit to stifling peak levels of productivity (or have I just internalized the work/production cycle in capitalism a bit too much?).

The irony that this discussion and my perspectives are a result of postmodernist era is not lost on me. The question I seek to answer (and possibly you too), is to what end?

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Is life really better reimagining basic tenets of how we live? Is this really helping in developing our youth into more productive, loving citizens?

Does this really contribute to personal happiness?

Or is the resulting mass confusion just a means to keep us in endless existential inquiry while those with actual, concrete goals pull the rug out, i.e. money, from under those searching the sky for answers?

While I feel that we are in an era where harnessing the creative process is more important than ever for career and life-long learning, the value of routine cannot be discarded. I go back to religion – how modernist of me, I know – to find the value of moderation. Whether it’s the Bible, Quran or the Torah, there are countless examples of seeking moderation in one’s thoughts, actions and activities; the need to seek balance as a human being.

Where this can seem counter to the creative process, which can be wildly random, spontaneous and unstructured, structure does not have to be anathema in this postmodern era.

Will simple routines like making your bed every morning going to limit one’s creativity?

What are routines that benefit you, i.e. gym, yoga, sports, writing, silence, music, etc.?

Recall those moments of great creativity- what were the environmental conditions that allowed it to happen?

What are core principles/activities/routines/practices that will keep you sustained while you find your creative genius?


Illuminating Awareness. Facilitating Choice.

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